Whoever wants to break into the gigabit society needs fiber. The enormous pace of digitization and the bandwidth with which this technological revolution is taking place challenges the economy and politics. In the age of digital networking, the costs for the expansion are significant but must be makeable. Our strengths lie in the fast, safe and cost-efficient construction of fiber networks.

156 billions

golem.deFiber To The Home (FTTH) for all in the European Union costs 156 billion euros. This was announced by the industry organization FTTH Council Europe on 26 January 2017, citing COMSOF calculations for the EU-28 countries.

May the inventor's spirit



"The joy of the local residents to get fast Internet soon, slowly deviates from the anger that cover layers of streets, now by micro-trenching are destroyed again. May the inventor's spirit of civil engineers quickly produce an acceptable solution."



This is where Nano_Trenchstarts, it neither destroys the top layer nor the top and bottom of the street. It is also possible to move the inserted cables up or down as required.

"Expansion of the




Digital Summit


Speech by

Angela Merkel

Germany's digital future can only be won by fiber optics. This is the current IW-Consult study presented at the "Digitising Europe" symposium.

If you want to transport gigabits in a matter of seconds, you must drain the copper and turn to the glass fiber. The South Koreans have realized this and already 70 percent of all connections have been placed on fiber optic cables. Sweden comes to 46 percent, Norway to 31 percent and Portugal to 24 percent. And Germany? Is at 1.3 percent. Investments in glass fiber connections are worthwhile. If the number increases by 1 percent, the gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by around 0.03 percent, according to calculations by IW researchers. For Germany, this would result in a GDP increase of around 900 million euro. High-performance broadband networks are also creating a growing economy: on average, the average transmission speed of the IW is 1 percent, accompanied by an increase in GDP of 0.07 percent. For Germany, this equates to a GDP of 2 billion Euro. "Just because Germany is still at the beginning of fiber optic development, particularly great advantages are to be expected with such investments", said Hüther.

Germany finally gets Gigabit Internet, but how long does it take...

The Bundesverband Breitbandkommunikation (Breko), in which nearly 160 network operators are organized, also calls for significantly higher speeds. "Germany must score the most powerful digital infrastructure in Europe", says Breko President Norbert Westfal. "Pure glass fiber connections, right up to all citizens and businesses, will soon be as important as a water or electricity connection." They would form a central foundation for economic growth and prosperity for today's society as well as for future generations.

"Plan and build the network you need through the possibilities you have"


Österreichische Glasfaser Verlegungs GmbH

 Mühlstrasse 14 | 3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs | Austria

Tel: +43 7442 520 85

Fax: +43 7442 520 85 31

E-Mail: office@nano-trench.com

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